Pteropus vampyrus      PPP      PP1

※ PP1 family introduction

    PP1 enzyme is composed of a catalytic subunit and a regulatory subunit(R subunit), and the catalytic domain is conserved among all eukaryotes, more than 100 regulatory subunit have been found to interact with C domain. Therefore, PP1 is a functional diversity protein phosphatases, which regulates a varieties of cellular processes through dephosphorylate different substrate. PP1 can promote the rational use of energy, especially when nutrients are abundant. PP1 plays a key role in the recovery from stress but promotes apoptosis when cells are damaged beyond repair. In addition, PP1 can regulate the cell cycle (1).

1. Ceulemans, H. and Bollen, M. (2004) Functional diversity of protein phosphatase-1, a cellular economizer and reset button. Physiol Rev, 84, 1-39. PMID: 14715909

There are 1 genes.  Reviewed (0 or Unreviewed (1

No.StatusEKPD IDGene IDGene Name