Callithrix jacchus      TK      CCK4

※ CCK4 family introduction

    CCK4 (Colon Carcinoma Kinase 4), which is known as protein tyrosine kinase-7 (PTK7), is a human homologue of KLG. PTK7 contains an extracellular domain, seven immunoglobulin-like loops and an inactive catalytic domain of tyrosine kinase. Studies show that PTK7 act as a novel regulator of planar cell polarity in vertebrates (1). PTK7 can also recruit dsh to regulate neural crest migration (2). In addition, several alternatives splicing of PTK7 mRNA may contribute to its diverse functions in cell signaling (3).

1. Lu, X., Borchers, A.G., Jolicoeur, C., Rayburn, H., Baker, J.C. and Tessier-Lavigne, M. (2004) PTK7/CCK-4 is a novel regulator of planar cell polarity in vertebrates. Nature, 430, 93-98. PMID: 15229603
2. Shnitsar, I. and Borchers, A. (2008) PTK7 recruits dsh to regulate neural crest migration. Development, 135, 4015-4024. PMID: 19004858
3. Jung, J.W., Ji, A.R., Lee, J., Kim, U.J. and Lee, S.T. (2002) Organization of the human PTK7 gene encoding a receptor protein tyrosine kinase-like molecule and alternative splicing of its mRNA. Biochim Biophys Acta, 1579, 153-163. PMID: 12427550

There are 1 genes.  Reviewed (0 or Unreviewed (1

No.StatusEKPD IDGene IDGene Name