Protein Kinase Classification: CAMK RSKb※ RSKb family introduction RSKb kinases are classified into CAMK group. At least 30 organisms have been found to contain these family kinases. Function and regulation remain more understood (1).
1. Manning, G., Whyte, D.B., Martinez, R., Hunter, T. and Sudarsanam, S. (2002) The protein kinase complement of the human genome. Science, 298, 1912-1934. PMID: 12471243
CAMK RSKb in eukaryotes:
1. Manning, G., Whyte, D.B., Martinez, R., Hunter, T. and Sudarsanam, S. (2002) The protein kinase complement of the human genome. Science, 298, 1912-1934. PMID: 12471243
CAMK RSKb in eukaryotes: