Protein Kinase Classification: CMGC CDKL※ CDKL family introduction CDKL (Cyclin-dependent kinase-like kinase) belong to CK1 family. Five members have been found in human genome. The function and regulation of these kinases remain to be studied (1).
1. Manning, G., Whyte, D.B., Martinez, R., Hunter, T. and Sudarsanam, S. (2002) The protein kinase complement of the human genome. Science, 298, 1912-1934. PMID: 12471243
CMGC CDKL in eukaryotes:
1. Manning, G., Whyte, D.B., Martinez, R., Hunter, T. and Sudarsanam, S. (2002) The protein kinase complement of the human genome. Science, 298, 1912-1934. PMID: 12471243
CMGC CDKL in eukaryotes: